"Silence" is a series that traces the daily life of two women, a mother and her daughter "Lila", after they decided to change their lives, to leave the city of Oran to settle in the farm that was left by the husband (Lila's father) after his death in Ras El Maida (Ain Temouchent). This father who resisted all his life and during the 1990s (civil war in Algeria), facing death threats from terrorists, this father who is always present among them, where he comes back every time in their discussions and their anecdotes. I met Lila a few years ago, when she was still working with the Santé Sidi El Houari d'Oran (SDH) association, where she was in charge of the administration, but also of the theatre workshop. She is a woman who needs to be surrounded by people, but her attachment to the principles of the family pushed her to leave her life and isolate herself by being close to her mother to help her. Lila has always been very optimistic in her plans, but once she found herself on the farm, her optimism began to fade in the face of the Algerian administrative machine, but also in the face of society and the world of agricultural work, which is purely masculine in this region, where men refuse to come and work with them because they are women and because one is a widow and the other is single and almost fifty. After a few years, they decided to adopt a child, a boy, to be the man of the house.
"Silence" refers to the story of all those Algerian women who have been forced to live alone as a result of life's torments and how the simple things in life can be complex when there is no male presence in the home in the face of societal codes and rigid conservative traditions that go in one direction.